Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year

So, another year begins!!

As at the start of 2007 I saw in the New year
by partying in sl. Last year in the Elbow Room,
this year at an old friends club, and made some new friends
in the process!! :-)

The question that needs to be asked, though,
is what will my new year's resolution be?

Well, I resolve to try overcoming my social shyness.
  • I've thought about visiting a local dance class,

although I guess they'll want me to learn the male steps :-/

  • I could pluck up courage to mix at a transgender club/event
  • I may even post some real pictures of me here. eek!!

(at least they can be deleted again if courage fails me!!) We shall see...

Friday 5 October 2007

Burning LIfe festival (ended 1st October)

In the Real World really crazy folk have themselves a crazy
time dressing (or undressing) in whatever they please out in
a desert spot for the annual Burning Man" fesival, as in the photos here
Well, that looks fun. But even though I've never been for real,
maybe never will I can at least pretend that the second life version
"Burning LIfe" was just as much fun! (maybe it was in a way, but I
didn't have too much time to spend there..)

I grew some wings for the event, and then had a look down on the world...

Went to visit a gorilla....is that YOU King Kong??
n.b. "It was Beauty that killed the Beast" lol

What killed this big rabbit, though, I do not know.
Now its just food for huge ants! EEK!!

There was lots of otherfunny creations I didn't have time to see,
But I did "hang around" for the final event, when they burn
down the giant Man sculpture

Awaiting the moment....

I tried not to get my feathers burnt, but the warmth
from the fire was very welcome in the cool of the desert night sky.

And that's it for another year......the whole desert and
everything on it was wiped out 'til the next festival.

Meanwhile read all about it on another blogger's blog!
right here! or take a look at another flickr slideshow

Sunday 23 September 2007

Jude the explorer presents: a traditional dancer from Borneo

I just love this!!!
A slow, graceful dance from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo.
Viva traditional arts of the world!

Saturday 22 September 2007

Another test......

I read recently about how the COGIATI test is not generally much regarded.
So I thought I'd read around in some academic looking sites, like this http://www.drbanks.com/thesis/introduction.html#Hypo%204 and skimming through
came across the Bem Sex Role Inventry Test (1975). I looked around and found
an on-line (slighty) slimmed down version.
I took the test and....

My Score: Androgynous

I scored 50 masculinity and 80 femininity!

I scored high on both masculinity and femininity and so "have a strong personality exhibiting characteristics of both traditional sex roles."

Link: The Bem Sex Role Inventory Test written by weirdscience on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

So I guess that's ok then. :-)

Monday 10 September 2007

Jude the obscure: explorer!

I love exploring in Second Life, and this spot is a particular
treasure: A Mayan temple, with wall paintings and carvings..

a statue...

and this amusing little stone tablet. It has a Second Life
Mayan creation story, I particularly like the bit about
the "doll people with faces made of pixels!"lol.

Friday 10 August 2007

A little naked moment

I found a great mountain to climb up, it was dawn, no-one around.
A perfect moment to celebrate my feminine body!!!

Jude is no prude! Celebrate your body!!

I recently found a beautiful website of a naturist couple
in Scotland who are climbing the "Munros" and doing
just as I did here...but in the real world! I'm jealous!
Skinny-dipping too!

Thursday 12 July 2007

An evening meal with another new freind....